OpenKernel README
OpenKernel - Beta release
This version is known to work under Linux and MacOS X using g++.
The makefiles are unlikely to work on other platforms unmodified.
The version 1.2.11 release of the OpenFst is required and can be
downloaded at The library
needs to be compiled with
./configure --enable-far; make; make install
in OpenFst source directory.
Other requirements are:
- The ICU library:
Tested with versions 3.8 and 4.0, might work with older versions. Only needed if OpenFst was compiled with --with-icu
- An implementation of BLAS and LAPACK.
On Ubuntu, the required packages can be installed using:
sudo apt-get install glpk liblapack-dev
On MacOSX, the required packages can be installed using:
sudo fink install atlas glpk
if you are using Fink;
sudo ports install atlas glpk
if you are using MacPorts.
The package also include a modified version of LIBSVM 2.82 and an unmodified version of LIBLINEAR 1.33.
To build (rudimentary Makefiles for now):
- Edit the
file at the top level.
No changes needed on Ubuntu. On MacOSX using Fink, follow the comments in this file. On MacOSX using MacPorts, follow the Fink instructions replacing /sw
by /opt
- Run at the top level:
make all
On MacOSX, you need to make sure that all the directories containing
dynamic libraries are in your
environment variable,
for instance:
export DYLD_LIBRARY=$DYLD_LIBRARY:/sw/lib:/usr/local/lib:<path_to_openkernel_dir>/kernel/lib
AfshinRostamizadeh - 01 Nov 2011
CyrilAllauzen - 01 Nov 2011