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Results from Kernel web retrieved at 00:28 (GMT)

OpenKernel Background Material Kernel methods (such as SVM, perceptron, kernel PCA) are widely used in machine learning. Applying these methods in text and language...
OpenKernel Download Latest release download: OpenKernel beta 20111101.tgz OpenFst download (required): ( FST.FstDownload more info) From the release: README...
OpenKernel Quick Tour Under construction . Using the library In this quick tour, we will focus on the command line utilities and LIBSVM plugin. The command line...
Kernel Ridge Regression Documentation The KRR tools are split into two binaries, one for training and one for prediction. The data file consists of either explicit...
Number of topics: 4

Topic revision: r52 - 2018-05-10 - MichaelRiley
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